A disquieting difference: diary of an apprentice


The affective communication with the handicapped person —as has socially and pedagogically agreed to be denominated— introduces a type of relationship based on a principle of difference. However, it is not possible to think of this difference from a theoretical frame that would intend to solve all the contradictions that such a relationship of «alterity» implies. It is a matter loaded with enough consequences in every aspect as to require a narrative reflection rather than a cold conceptual analysis. Therefore, the current article couldn't have been written under the dictates of scientific writing, but is not a personal testimony either. Trying to avoid the possible arrogance derived from both expositions, what is shown here is the diary of an apprentice, of someone who in his daily contact with disability has been discovering the uniqueness of the other's emotions and has had to transform this relation into a language that would allow to dwell in the intimacy of a disquieting relationship.
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Bárcena Orbe, F. (2009). A disquieting difference: diary of an apprentice. Teoría De La Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria, 18. https://doi.org/10.14201/3210

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