Manifestations of the post-critical: from shared principles to new pedagogical paths


In this introduction we give an account of the reasons for writing the Manifesto for a Post-Critical Pedagogy. These stem from our experiences in the field of educational research, as well as our work with teachers and future teachers, which we felt increasingly reflected the exhaustion of the critical paradigm in the humanities and social sciences, as discussed by Bruno Latour, Jacques Rancière and others. We summarise the main claims of the Manifesto, i.e. the principles we defend there, and explain why we find it important to do so. We elaborate on what we mean by principles with reference to the concept of «requirements» developed by Isabelle Stengers. We conclude with an overview of the projects that have emerged since the publication of the Manifesto, illustrating the various ways in which the post-critical perspective has been taken up in educational research. In particular we highlight how this has been taken up in the development of specifically educational accounts of higher education, teaching, and upbringing.
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  • Métricas
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