ISSN online: 2530-0350

Siglo Cero, multidisciplinary journal on intellectual and developmental disabilities, is the scientific journal of Plena inclusion

Siglo Cero is indexed on DialnetScopus, Psicodoc, DOAJ, IBECS, BVSALUD, and it is evaluated on Carhus Plus+ 2018 (Category “Psychology”, rank D), Integrated Classification of Scientific Journals (Circ) 2024 (Social Sciences, rank B), ErihPlus (approved for categories “Psychology” and "Interdisciplinary Research on Social Sciences"),  Latindex (Catalogue 2.0)Miar 2021 (icds = 10 in “Medical and Health Sciences” and in “Psychology”), and SJR SCImago Journal & Country Rank (2023 edition SJR Q3 in  “Education” and "Psychology" and Q4 in "Psychiatry and Mental Health", "Social Psychology" and "Social Work" – index H = 12). Regarding self-archiving, it appears in: Dulcinea and Gredos (institutional repository of the University of Salamanca). The journal has been recognized by the Spanish Foundation on Science and Technology (FECYT) with the  FECYT Seal of Quality.

Siglo Cero publishes four issues per year, allowing open access to all of its content. Volumes and issues published between 2003 and 2014 are fully accessible at The preferred language for publication is Spanish, but articles in English and, exceptionally, in French, are also considered for publication.

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  • If you wish to submit a manuscript to be considered for its publication in Siglo Cero, please check carefully the journal’s style guidelines.
  • In order to use the online submission system, it is previously necessary to register as author.
  • Once the author is registered in the system and after consulting the journal’s style guidelines, the author can start the online submission of their manuscript by log in in the system and clicking ‘new submission’.
  • IMPORTANT: If you cite any article of the journal in any publication, you must EXCLUSIVELY use the name of the journal Siglo Cero, without further additions.

Current Issue

Vol. 55 No. 2 (2024)

Vol. 55 No. 2 (2024)

Published: 2024-06-03

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