Computers in Education pedagogical issues

  • Francisco José García Peñalvo
    Universidad de Salamanca fgarcia[at]
  • Lluís Vicent Safont
    La Salle Open University


Technology applied to teaching & learning processes is a reality in current society that wants to advance to the so called Knowledge Society. Technological artifacts design to be applied in the above mentioned educational processes is the aim of Computers in Education discipline. However, when these design tasks are done without the proper pedagogical goals or when these technological products are used with educative purposes without pedagogical criteria (which is more critical due to there are lots of technological components that were not designed for learning but may be used for) or the instructional design does not involve technology in a suitable way, the final goal, THE LEARNING, may be seriously in risk. This means that Computer in Education advances require, in the most of the projects, interdisciplinary teams composed by technicians and educators, plus other complementary and interesting professional profiles. An example of this synergic and symbiotic relationship is the Computers in Education Symposium, SIIE, that after 14 editions it has become in one of the forums that better represents this principle. This TESI special issue gathers six selected papers presented in the last SIIE edition, held in Andorra at the end of October 2012, which ones enhance this Technology and Education link. 
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García Peñalvo, F. J., & Vicent Safont, L. (2013). Computers in Education pedagogical issues. Education in The Knowledge Society, 14(2), 371–375.

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