Contribution of art to the training of medical students

  • Agustín Hidalgo
    Universidad de Oviedo hidalgo[at]
  • Claudio Hidalgo
    Colegio Salesiano de Enseñanza Secundaria María Auxiliadora de Mérida.
  • Begoña Cantabrana
    Universidad de Oviedo


Art and medicine have a relationship spanning millennia during which time they have collaborated to reach their mutual goals. Art is nourished by the human figure, illness and death to build renewed forms of beauty; medicine turns to art for aesthetics, humanism, history and sociology through artistic representations. Art provides information on many aspects related to medicine. Disease has conditioned the work of some painters and can explain aspects of the pictorial technique of some artistic movements. Art can also be used to train observational skills in students.
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Hidalgo, A., Hidalgo, C., & Cantabrana, B. (2018). Contribution of art to the training of medical students. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 14(1), 53–62. Retrieved from

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