The music like scope of education. Education «through» the music and education «for» the music

  • José Manuel Touriñán López
    Universidad de Santiago de Compostela josemanuel.tourinan[at]
  • Silvana Longueira Matos
    Universidad de Santiago de Compostela


The aim of this article is the formation of criterion in favors of the music as scope of education. Inside the educational current system we can distinguish three areas of musical education: the musical professional training, the teacher training and general music education. It is important to maintain these distinctions for the development of the curriculum and for the identity of the competence of formation of teachers, student training and general education pupils. In order to build criteria, we will approach these questions in three paragraphs, the first one dedicated to the education «through» the music, where we develop the possibilities of music as general scope of education and as scope of general education. The following epigraph contemplates the education «for» the music, orientated to the professional and vocational development. And, finally, we come closer to music teacher training for the different educational levels.
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Touriñán López, J. M., & Longueira Matos, S. (2011). The music like scope of education. Education «through» the music and education «for» the music. Teoría De La Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria, 22(2), 151–181.

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Author Biographies

José Manuel Touriñán López

Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Educación. Campus Sur, s/n. 15782 -Santiago de Compostela (España)

Silvana Longueira Matos

Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Educación. Campus Sur, s/n. 15782 -Santiago de Compostela (España)