Analysis of experiences in educational innovation


The contexts in which educational innovation originates and develops are manifold: classroom, school, administration, community…, and its protagonists, that is, the people who plan and implement it. This paper presents an approach to the analysis of the innovative experiences in primary and secondary schools based on the memory of these held by students from the Bachelor’s/Degree in Education. The analysis provides a range of suggestions for possible improvements in teaching and is also a good exercise for stimulating the capacity for reflection of future teachers and educators in their training process. The perspective of the main agents in teaching and learning not only provides relevant information about the reality experienced but also about the personal involvement of teachers and students. Ethnographic research in this work appears through the autobiographical account and reflections on practice, which currently offer valuable tools for research and professional development. The research results highlight how numerous stimuli emerge for the renewal of teaching and learning practices through innovative experiences developed in classrooms and schools. Stress is also given to the need for closer administrative and community cooperation in the implementation of these innovations. It is noted that when working with documents based on memory, it is necessary to consider the temporal evolution of work contexts, which in recent decades have been marked by certain quite remarkable events.
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Rosales López, C. (2014). Analysis of experiences in educational innovation. Enseñanza & Teaching: Interuniversity Journal of Didactic, 31(2), 45–68. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Carlos Rosales López

Universidad de Santiago
Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (España)