Ulysses in the High School. Leadership and School Based on the Myth of Achilles


The objective of this article is to think about educational leadership in the adolescent stage in educational centers through the analysis of a classic myth. From the relationship between Ulysses and Achilles. Achilles in his stage in the gynaeceum as a figure of adolescence, and Ulysses as the character necessary to remove Achilles from the aesthetic stage in order to enter the ethics and combat of adult life. We intend to discover in the analysis of that relationship some obligations of the educator for a specific time in human life, adolescence, and we will essentially start from the analysis that Javier Gomá makes of that myth. Gomá focuses above all on the subjective evolution of Achilles as an example of a path that every human must travel, while here we also intend to reflect on the role of Ulysses in that transformation from adolescent to adult. An impossible transformation without the participation exemplified in Ulises as an archetype of educational leadership. In schools, this relationship of educational leadership can be seen on two different levels. The first, the close shot of the relationship established between teacher and student. The second, the leadership role of the management team over the center in general, and also, although more indirect, over the students in particular. The aspects that we will point out in the text can have a translation on both planes. We end with some conclusions summarizing those ideas that can help to better normative leadership in the school context.  
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