African education over the centuries: a navigation between various educational systems


Neither is Africa a uniform continent (we could speak of several Africans), nor can we speak of a single African education, so we have to speak in plural. Even more so if we refer to the enormous diversity of peoples, languages and cultures that populate the continent from north to south and from east to west. It also seems obvious to speak of diversity and plural when we refer to the current educational systems of the different African nations, which build their own educational models from their respective independence at the heart of the twentieth century, but taking into consideration many of the ancestral African traditions of the original peoples. In this confluence of situations is contained the interpretative key of the educational being of the present African continent, which possesses very rich and ancestral traditions, even with written cultures synchronous to the Greek, Judeo-Christian primitives and Arabs, and not just oral, thus breaking some of the prevailing clichés about the absence of written culture among Africans. A comparative analysis of several samples and examples leads to a less linear and traditional interpretation of the African educational models of our time.
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Author Biography

Eugénie Eyeang

CRAAL, École Normale Supérieure (Libreville, Gabon)
CRAAL, École Normale Supérieure (Libreville, Gabon)