Collaborative learning situated in the university context


Effective strategies in teacher education can be based on conceptual change and social constructivism models. From this framework theory, we assume that, in order to improve the succession of the different progressive stages of teachers'conceptual development, social and collaborative strategies are more adequate than individual methodologies. The main aim of this research is to analyze the use of particular and appropiate strategies in a constructivist and collaborative teacher education context. The case-study carried out proves that conceptual change is more effective when it is implemented synergistically with strategies directed towards group autonomy and group-regulation of learning rhythms and goals. The results demostrate the benefits derived from the use of strategies that propitiate the sharing and comparing practice among prospective teachers, especially, if they are, as usual, at heterogenous levels of teaching expertise.
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Martínez Ruiz, M. de los Ángeles, & Sauleda I Parés, N. (2009). Collaborative learning situated in the university context. Enseñanza & Teaching: Interuniversity Journal of Didactic, 15. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Narcís Sauleda I Parés
