Historia de la Educación
ISSN online: 2386-3846
Print ISSN: 0212-0267

Historia de la Educación is a journal founded in 1982 about the history of education. Its current director, José María Hernández Díaz, is a professor at the University of Salamanca. This is an annual journal (1 volume per year) and it publishes its texts in any language that is regularly used in the scientific field. However, all articles include the title, abstract and key words in English as well.  This journal always publishes monographic volumes about current topics and a “Varia” section.

This publication is especially focused on international articles, preferably from Latin America and Europe.

Articles published in this journal are included in Fuente Académica Plus, DOAJ, Dialnet, REDIB and evaluated in CARHUS Plus+ 2018, Clasificación Integrada de Revistas Científicas CIRC, ErihPlus, Latindex 2.0 and MIAR. The self-archive is located in:  Dulcinea (color blue/azul) and Sherpa/Romeo (color blue).

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Current Issue

Vol. 41 (2022): La Educación Artística en España en la Historia

Vol. 41 (2022): La Educación Artística en España en la Historia

Published: 2022-12-23

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