Divine Images and Human Challenge in the Odyssey: Odysseus in the Opposition between Athena and Posidon


The myth, as a special discursive form associated with narrative action, is inserted into the traditional frame with a panhellenic character in Homeric epic poetry. Among the heroic and divine personalities involved in the narrative of the Odyssey, two gods stand out, Posidon and Athena, whose antagonisms in their behaviour and positions condition the trajectory of Odysseus, the main protagonist of the poem. Protected and guided by the goddess, akin to his personality, and pursued in revenge by the god, his nemesis, the hero finally reaches his goal, the return to his house and kingdom, although not before suffering numerous misadventures and breakdowns, thus fulfilling the established plan. Different are the motives that drive the humanized actions of both gods, although the two end up fulfilling, in their own way, their expectations.
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