A Real Life of its Own Dimension: Mythical Space-Time and its Relationship with the Historical Construction


The space of the myth is revealed as significant imager. The human being is able to emotionally relate to the world. It is an imaginary, cross-cultural and implicative space (not cumulative as the history), and possesses a reality experienced an existential dimension. Naturally, is independent of the space geographical and of the contemplated by the physical. The space mythical is plural: are spaces qualitatively similar, not intended, but if experienced. In the form of isolated cells they interrelate, however, each other. The mythical time, for its part, is pristine and foundational. It is a not explanatory temporality based simultaneities, which is do this, because at the time that the myth is told it is current and is carried out, in a sort of total-temporal permanence. Therefore not be you may qualify of duration, but as an update.
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