Learning object for teacher training aimed to develop communication skills

  • Norma Esmeralda Rodríguez Ramírez
    Universidad Tecnológica Fidel Velázquez nerrodriguez[at]gmail.com
  • Sandra Irene Romero Corella
    Universidad Tecnológica Fidel Velázquez
  • María Soledad Ramírez Montoya
    Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey


This article presents the results and reflections obtained across a research aimed to analyze the quality criteria of an opened learning object oriented to develop communication skills in order to be able to report and validate it according to its content, pedagogic structure, technological structure, graphical and textual language and usability to teacher training, in order to base it theoretically, pedagogically and technologically. The research question was: Which are the quality criteria that a learning object aimed to develop communication skills must cover? Under a quantitative approach, there were electronic questionnaires applied to: 34 Technological University teachers, eight experts about of communicative competence, teaching, technology and graphic design. The results indicated that some of the quality criteria of learning object are: the effective managing of the learning content, the balanced composition of his pedagogic structure, the technological structure efficiency and the proper managing of graphical and textual language.
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Rodríguez Ramírez, N. E., Romero Corella, S. I., & Ramírez Montoya, M. S. (2014). Learning object for teacher training aimed to develop communication skills. Education in The Knowledge Society, 15(2), 108–130. https://doi.org/10.14201/eks.11889


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Norma Esmeralda Rodríguez Ramírez

Universidad Tecnológica Fidel Velázquez
Universidad Tecnológica Fidel Velázquez. Ex Hacienda la Encarnación Emiliano Zapata SN, El Tráfico, 54400 Ciudad Nicolás Romero, Estado de México (México)

Sandra Irene Romero Corella

Universidad Tecnológica Fidel Velázquez
Universidad Tecnológica Fidel Velázquez. Ex Hacienda la Encarnación Emiliano Zapata SN, El Tráfico, 54400 Ciudad Nicolás Romero, Estado de México (México)

María Soledad Ramírez Montoya

Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey
Escuela de Graduados en Educación del Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. Ave. Eugenio Garza Sada 2501 Sur Col. Tecnológico - C.P. 64849 - Monterrey, Nuevo León (Méjico)