Heroism, Wisdom and Royalty in the Mythical Age of China (II): Ranks of Order and Civilization


Some Chinese mythical traditions, such as the one referring to the Augustans and Sovereigns, probably a memory of archaic Neolithic chiefdoms or legendary groups of pre-dynastic ancestors, are used to establish didactic paradigms applicable to politics, good governance and the morals of a highly idealized ruler. Original, savior and foundational, though humanized, deities and heroes are conceived of as ideal models and stereotypes of perfection. Mythical heroes, kings and sages, cultural ancestors, ancestral spirits, are used in Confucian literature as prototypical models that stimulate, and at the same time justify, the ethical and moral mode of conduct in the government of the State and in the socio-familiar organization. In the Taoist, they are used as paradigms that serve as a means of arguing principles, concepts and speculations of different consideration. A whole series of such heroes and ancestors serve as an explanation of the beginnings of historical time, being employed with the aim of assembling a unitary and centralized system based on metaphysical, mythological and religious-moral aspects.
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