Heroism, Wisdom and Royalty in the Mythical Age of China (I)

Foundations of Culture and History


The ideal of the wise, mythological king-hero, reflected in various texts, archaeological objects such as bronzes and recorded in iconographic media, responds to the presence and action of mythical civilizing and ordering personalities of the established world. First rulers, imagined in Neolithic times and the Bronze Age, are configured as virtuous, intellectual and moral models for Confucian orthodoxy, although they are also valued as deities that foster social differentiation and hierarchy from the Taoist philosophical perspective. The inventions and cultural achievements (agriculture, medicine, livestock, laws, calendars, cults) of these personalities with special powers and abilities, symbolize the beginning of historical times after the consolidation of certain tribes and clans that, after various encounters, will eventually centralize and unify the territory until it leads to the first Chinese empire.
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