Mythical Elements and Scientific Paradigms. Critical Approximation to the Mechanism of Newton, Darwinism and Astronomical Physics


The mythical account, as the scientist, is a possible way of interpreting experience. Each of them has its categorical content, aprioristic principles and provisions. The paradigmatic status of science depends on a structure, narrative of the myth, through which empirical-analytical investigations seek to persuade. Science includes the «mythical» in his public exposure, being parasitic on the interpretive potential of the myth, its durability and persistence. The «mythical» and «scientific» combine, «aesthetics» of human understanding. The myth is involved as a sort of science of abstraction that becomes concrete, a symbolic language used to designate meanings within everyday life. Scientific knowledge is neither universal nor absolute, but limited and provisional. Because the induction may not be translated into general laws, and that scientific knowledge is a product of human interpretive structures, which they themselves, variables, are, relating and creatively employed (from the mythical-symbolic imagination), the truths of science cannot be unambiguously objective. This work will be made, in this regard, some estimates referred to the mechanism of Newton, Darwinism and astronomical physics.
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