Attitudes, satisfaction, academic performance and online communication in processes of university training through Blended Learning

  • Julio Cabero Almenara
    Universidad de Sevilla cabero[at]
  • Mª del Carmen Llorente Cejudo
    Universidad de Sevilla


The study has as main purpose to know attitudes, satisfaction, academic performance, and uses of online communication tools in undergraduate students that participate in Blended Learning courses. A quantitative and qualitative methodology of collection and analysis of data (questionnaires, discussion groups and analysis of online communication) it was used to understand how this new training method was developed in 334 undergraduate students. Students showed to have a positive attitude toward Internet, and the method was presented as satisfactory for students, and it also increased its academic performance. Results showed that the uses that make students among discussion forums were dedicated fundamentally toward social and informal aspects.
  • Referencias
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  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
Cabero Almenara, J., & Llorente Cejudo, M. del C. (2009). Attitudes, satisfaction, academic performance and online communication in processes of university training through Blended Learning. Education in The Knowledge Society, 10(1), 172–189.


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