University Student's Self-assessment: Literature Review


The Bologna Declaration of 1999 promoted different changes in higher education in Europe and around the world, among which was the transformation of learning assessment. Therefore, self-evaluation has been considered one of the ways to innovate the evaluation process. Research carried out on it has mainly focused on analyzing its advantages and disadvantages and comparing student and teacher qualifications. Thus, the purpose of this study was to establish the state of the art of self-assessment of learning in higher education through a review of the existing literature. Self-evaluation was approached from didactics (teaching), understood as a complex system with its components: the problem, the objectives, the knowledge, the methods, the means, the form (time and space), the evaluation and the self-evaluation. The bibliographic search was performed on sources of academic and scientific information: databases on education, repositories and local library systems. Products from research carried out between 2006 and 2020, in English, Spanish and Portuguese, were considered, selecting a total of 69 studies, that fulfilled the established inclusion criteria. Three trends were identified in them: 1) the relationship among evaluation, self-assessment and learning; 2) self-assessment in favor of learning for the development of students' abilities; 3) self-assessment and measurement of learning. Based on the results obtained, the need to carry out studies that analyze self-evaluation in relation to didactic components is evident; from humanistic didactics, by recognizing the student as a human being, believing in him and guiding him towards lifelong learning. More in-depth international studies are recommended, particularly in the Latin American context and with interpretative approaches.
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Author Biographies

Miglena Kambourova

Universidad de Antioquia
Profesora de la Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Educación Médica

Elvía María González-Agudelo

Universidad de Antioquia
Profesora de la Facultad de Educación

Lina María Grisales-Franco

Universidad de Antioquia
Profesora de la Escuela de Microbiología. Actualmente Vicerrectora de Docencia de la Universidad de Antioquia. 