Culturally Responsive Education: Educational Analysis of the Third Space


In the face of increasingly polarized societies, evidence shows how hate speech towards the different is proliferating alarmingly, causing greater social disparities. This often influences the social inclusion of young people with diverse cultural influences by presenting assimilation as the first option without adopting a critical perspective. The education system must act in this sense by addressing cultural diversity in the classroom from approaches that allow the formation of students and enable meaningful learning. Culturally responsive education (CRE) contributes to an adequate management of this diversity with variants regarding its conceptualization and development that deserve to be analyzed from different educational and social spheres. This article uses a critical review and discourse analysis method to observe the evolution of CRE from the perspective of teachers and students. Few studies have explored a discourse analysis of CRE from methodologies of Funds of knowledge (FoK) with pedagogies within the classroom in the role of the teacher and Funds of identity (FoI) of the student. Thus, this study aims to analyze the pedagogical dimension of the teacher within the classroom from FoK and from the figure of the students and their learning, FdI are contemplated. This analysis suggests an educational reinterpretation of the third space that allows a contribution to the work of the CRE in the classroom. Finally, we point out some challenges of CRE regarding its terminology, implementation, and future lines of work.
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