The School: A Place of Meaning and Commitment


Different social phenomena related to child and youth seem to question the school's capacity to create common meanings and ensure the preparation of people who will be capable to accomplish the different requirements needed in order to live in democracy. The aim of this article is to demonstrate that cultural transmission, which takes place within the school institution, is the basis of the humanization processes that take place in the school as they encourage students to build a solid personal identity capable of finding meaning in their own lives and of committing themselves to the social, cultural, political and economic reality of which they are part of. In order to accomplish this goal, we first present three pressures to which the school is subjected today so that, for the sake of progress, it renounces to its own mission and succumbs to the temptation to educate in a cultural vacuum and showing the pernicious effects that it entails. Secondly, the value of the school is defended as a generator, through culture, of a meaningful reality, which allows one to find meaning in one's own life and enables one to meet and commit oneself to others through the creation of common meanings. Finally, it is shown how the school contributes to the formation of three dimensions (narration, intelligibility, and responsibility) necessary for living in democracy. In conclusion, the importance of teleological reflection as a guide for educational action is claimed to resist an agenda that puts at risk the authentic education in freedom: the freedom that transcends mere appetence to engage with the others.
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