University and Social Sustainability From Care Ethics


The mission of the university includes rising to the challenges of each historical moment, and, as far as teaching is concerned, offering rigorous and up-to-date training in each specific professional profile. The aim of this article is to consider and reflect on which narratives, old promises and false myths are unsustainable because they perpetuate waste, inequality and domination. In order to identify the current challenges, in this article we use the critical hermeneutics ethodology. This allows us to establish that inequality, exclusion, climate injustice, neo-liberal imperialism, corruption, destruction of the biosphere and many other problems are the consequence of unsustainable models. The article discusses which other perspectives and narratives might offer better tools for moving towards social sustainability. We conclude that the university can find in care ethics catalysing elements to nurture the transition towards sustainability and social justice. This is a relational ethics capable of creating connections to overcome the dominant impositions, isolation and fear that silence certain voices. We need a university education that reconstructs these silences and activates forms of competent professional participation (in ethical and technical terms). In this way, we will be in a better position to build a democracy that takes into account the real needs of all people and reorients educational, social, scientific, business, labour, fiscal and economic models to achieve the shift towards the sustainability that we need.
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