10 principles for an innovative model for the 21st century university: the «educational campus»


University education has a higher purpose – to reinforce the formation of human beings and to provide the individual with an overall integrated training. This mission necessitates giving special attention to the correct arrangement of the physical space in which this central undertaking occurs.
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Campos Calvo-sotelo, P. (2010). 10 principles for an innovative model for the 21st century university: the «educational campus». Aula, 16, 187–200. https://doi.org/10.14201/7441


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Author Biography

Pablo Campos Calvo-sotelo

Universidad San Pablo CEU
Escuela Politécnica Superior. Universidad San Pablo CEU - Urbanización Montepríncipe, S/N, Boadilla del Monte – 28668 - Madrid (España)