Innovative Educational Spaces: Architecture, Art and Nature for University Excellence


Education is a spatial, affective and collective act. Consequently, innovation in Education is narrowly connected with the quality of its buildings and associated spaces. This principles support a transcendental idea: the cultural and artistic values of a campus (Architecture, Nature, works of Art) must be projected internally and externally as paradigms for the University community and for society in general, as they have the potential to enrich the teaching&learning processes. Planners in charge of the conception of any campus must be aware of the transcendence of such a mission. It is necessary to underline the key role that physical spaces have to play in the evolution of Universities towards innovation, as they host the human contact needed to achieve the true mission of Universities: the integral formation of a human being. The design of any future University seat must be driven by an aim of excellence; for such a critical purpose, this paper traces the innovative «Educational Campus» philosophy, as a conceptual&operational tool to promote the modernization of Universities; as a modern paradigm, it can be applied to encourage and guide the processes of positive transformation of Institutions of Higher Education. Actually, this emerging modernization pattern has being used by the Spanish Ministry of Education in its Program «International Campus of Excellence» since its first edition in 2009.
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Author Biography

Pablo Campos Calvo-sotelo

Universidad San Pablo CEU
Escuela Politécnica Superior. Universidad San Pablo CEU - Urbanización Montepríncipe, S/N, Boadilla del Monte – 28668 - Madrid (España)