Decolonial Turn and Education in the Latin American Context


What has been called decolonial turn, constitutes today a movement of many expressions whose reception, in the most diverse areas of knowledge and social practices, has provoked an enormous multiplication of productions. These are distinct initiatives that have a very diversified profile: congresses, seminars, books, articles,manifestos, debates, etc. It is necessary to recognize that the decolonial proposal, like every emerging current of thought, is not immune to easy adherence (fad), nor is it the other side of the coin, to the critics who try to impugn it in block. Knowing that wheat and tares grow together, in order to move forward, when the time comes for the harvest, it is necessary to separate one from the other. In this sense, it is worth emphasizing that over two decades of intense work, the decolonial debate has demarcated a critical position vis-à-vis the post-colonial discussion. In light of these introductory issues, two questions seem unavoidable: What does the Latin American decolonial turn mean? What implications does it have for education in the context of Latin America and the Caribbean? In this paper, through a bibliographical study, we try to approach and answer these questions.
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Author Biography

Vitor Hugo Mendes

Universidad de Salamanca