How to measure and improve the levels of inclusion of people with ASD in an educational center


 In the work with people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), it is necessary to evaluate the inclusion activities carried out in a specific educational center. Through a procedure of evaluation, reflection and application of improvements at two levels, individual and by the center, which provide us we have a problem that includes the inclusion activities and results, we value the measures carried out to improve the quality and quantity of opportunities for inclusion. We have a problem that includes the inclusion activities and we lend diagram of decision to the reflection of the resources and supports which we offer to people with ASD to improve their inclusive experiences. The first evaluations indicate that by applying the procedure, the inclusion improves as far as the level of participation and contribution. It is relevant there is no increase in the level of significant relationships. The improvements applied in the individual support programs and in the school’s support plan have an impact on the inclusion dimension within the quality of life of people with ASD and their families, as well as in obtaining better personal results.
  • Referencias
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Author Biographies

Lucía Madero Cañete

Autismo Sevilla
Profesora CDPEE. Ángel Rivière. Coordinadora Comité de Ética Autismo Sevilla

Luis Arenas Bernal

Autismo Sevilla
Director proyecto Vivienda independiente. Director Centro Integral de Recursos Autismo Sevilla.