About the use of Digital Resources for the Research and Teaching of Modern History

  • Andoni Artola Renedo
    Universidad del País Vasco
  • Álvaro Chaparro Sainz 
    Universidad de Almería alvarocs[at]ual.es


The aim of this paper is to analyze the use of digital resources in two usually separate fields that, according to the authors, should be better imbricated: historical research and the teaching of History. In the first part, we describe an array of digitized archival material which, if properly used in different teaching contexts, could contribute to a more complex understanding of History by the students. The second section focuses on digital resources conceived for teaching, and specifically those related with the Early Modern period, through a quantitative analysis of the material stored in some of the most used educational repositories.
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Artola Renedo, A., & Chaparro Sainz , Álvaro. (2023). About the use of Digital Resources for the Research and Teaching of Modern History. Studia Historica: Historia Moderna, 45(1), 73–100. https://doi.org/10.14201/shhmo202345173100


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