For what Reason and for what Purpose Should we Teach Early Modern History? Epistemological Reflections and International Proposals


The paper presents the report on «Education of the Early Modern Age» through three key elements. First, it addresses the controversies and debates around the new History curriculum, based on the complex relationship between History, nationalism and identity, and the evolution of the Spanish History curriculum since 1970. Second, it analyzes the epistemological bases of History as a discipline around four elements that are considered key to its presence in the classroom: the object of study of History, historical time, the analysis of historical sources, and the discursive nature of History. Finally, the article analyzes some of the international topics about the Early Modern Age in research and History curricula, to contextualize the latest curricular proposal. The article concludes with a reflection on the need to signify the relevance of the Early Modern Age in the historical and civic education of Secondary Education students.
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