Manuel Tolosa Latour (1857-1919) and Elisa Mendoza Tenorio (1856-1929): predecessors of the protection to the childhood in Spain


In the first decades of last century, the doctor Manuel Tolosa Latour stood out on having developed a campaign directed to improving the health and the education of the children of the popular classes. It strained in order that the legislators were been aware of protecting the figure of the child, achieving that the Protection law childhood was approved in 1904. There established children´s hospital Chipiona in Cadiz for ill children prone to fall ill. He participated infinity of institutions and congresses, where defended the necessity build centers dedicated to the poor children.Elisa Mendoza Tenorio famous actress, wife of Manuel Tolosa Latour, left the theatrical scene and joined the campaign of her husband. She established awards of hygiene and founded institutions dedicated to spreading the hygienic domestic procedure. With Tolosa took part in the Protective Company of the Children, him as secretary general and her as member distinguished from the Ladies’ Meeting of the charitable institution.
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Rodríguez Pérez, J. F. (2014). Manuel Tolosa Latour (1857-1919) and Elisa Mendoza Tenorio (1856-1929): predecessors of the protection to the childhood in Spain. El Futuro Del Pasado, 5, 355–378.


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