Spaanse Kinderen. Children Spanish Exiles in Belgium during the Civil War. Learning Experience and Life Stories


This paper explains the pedagogical experience conducted during 2011-2012 by the author at the Ghent University (Belgium), in which he tried to recover the historical memory through oral history teaching. The search and document analysis in Belgian correspondence files, photographs and drawings, and the use of interviews and life stories of «children» exiled in Ghent during the Spanish Civil War, are the sources used for the study of these childhood stories. This is a historical research shared with students of Pedagogische Wetenschappen (Educational Sciences) that became a real learning experience of historical and educational learning.
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Payà Rico, A. (2013). Spaanse Kinderen. Children Spanish Exiles in Belgium during the Civil War. Learning Experience and Life Stories. El Futuro Del Pasado, 4, 191–205.


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