VIX: an open software for the 3D visualization and interactive study of anatomy

  • Alberto Prats Galino
    Universidad de Barcelona aprats[at]
  • Juan Antonio Juanes Méndez
    Universidad de Salamanca


This paper describes the functional characteristics and applications in the field of anatomy of a 3D visualization software called ViX, short for directX viewer. This is an open software, i.e not limited to the representation of a particular anatomical region. It can be configured externally through the modification of text files that define the elements composing the scene graph. It consists of a 3D viewer, developed in Visual C, and supports two types of graphic elements: (1) simultaneous display of images in the three orthogonal planes of space, and (2) surface solid models defined by polygon meshes of triangles, coregistered with the images. Models can be associated with a short description that is displayed in a text window. The functionality of the software has been tested in different topographic regions and functional systems.
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Prats Galino, A., & Juanes Méndez, J. A. (2010). VIX: an open software for the 3D visualization and interactive study of anatomy. Education in The Knowledge Society, 11(2), 171–193.

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