Analysis of "best practices" of e-learning in andalusian universities
Abstract This article provides the results of the analysis of "best practices" of thirty teachers of different Andalusian Universities. For the collection of data we have been used three instruments: biogram, individualized interviews and observation of materials. These teachers have a positive attitude towards e-learning, working in groups and carry more than 2 years teaching with (together) the face to face. They consider this training as a high help to students because of the high volume of available material, application flexibility, the possibility of consultation and the treatment is more personal. Moreover, these teachers pointed out the amount of time and effort required for the preparation and updating of materials, and also here poor training for teaching and educational use, that is remedied by themselves. The materials used are is adecuated in the technical, teaching and in the communication way.
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Cabero Almenara, J., & Romero Tena, R. (2010). Analysis of "best practices" of e-learning in andalusian universities. Education in The Knowledge Society, 11(1), 283–309.
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