Perception of Students and Families about Educational Robotics in Non-Formal Education

  • David Llanos-Ruiz
    Facultad de Educación, Universidad de Burgos, España dlruiz[at]
  • Vanesa Ausín-Villaverde
    Facultad de Educación, Universidad de Burgos, España
  • Víctor Abella García
    Facultad de Educación, Universidad de Burgos, España


Robotics is an educational discipline based on a learning methodology that relies on areas of knowledge such as technology, physics, and mathematics and that, from implementing activities related to the creation, construction, and programming of robotic designs, facilitates the development of technical-scientific skills and competencies. The objective of the research is to know the perception of the students and their families about educational robotics as an efficient and motivating methodology during the formative development of the students. The methodology applied in the research is quantitative, being a retrospective and cohort study. Through the preparation of two ad-hoc questionnaires (families and students), information is collected through questions posed with the possibility of a Likert-type response (scale from 1 to 4), multiple answers and questions with semi-open answers. For this, the sample comprises 104 participants: 61 students who study robotics as a non-formal educational activity and 43 fathers and/or mothers. The perception of families reaffirms the virtues of educational robotics in the academic performance of students and in their professional and/or work future through the acquisition of technological and digital skills, together with the improvement and development of the ability to face problems. From the students, it is extracted that robotics is a relevant and motivating area in their training and developing their creativity and imagination.
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