Global portal of environmental education. An experience of innovative education in the virtual training space
Abstract In this work it is exposed an experience of educative innovation which attempts to investigate into new ways and uses of the new technologies as a spaces for developing and accomplishing the Environmental Education. Authors expose, in first place, the star point and the conceptual frame in which the ex- perience is sustained; in second place, show a brief review of the relationship between the Environmental Education and the Internet; and in third place, describe the experience: objectives, contents, phases, methodology, assessment and results. The experience exposed is about designing and achieving of a Web page, compatible with virtual training spaces, whose mayor objective is to improve knowledge and in formation dissemination of resources, experiences, researches, services and commitments for the advance of the Environmental Education, in an specific scope, as well as for training and collaborating among Environmental Educators. Authors conclude their work presenting a critical reflection around a series of subjects which extend, based on this experience, the educative-environmental practice and the research.
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Barrón Ruiz, Ángela, Muñoz Rodríguez, J. M., & Pérez Sánchez, L. (2008). Global portal of environmental education. An experience of innovative education in the virtual training space. Education in The Knowledge Society, 9(3), 216–236.
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