The role of school coexistence in the initial training of teachers in early childhood and primary education


School coexistence is a subject of interest that substantially conditions the types and quality of learning. But the management of school coexistence is not an easy question to address and requires, at least, an adequate teacher education. For this reason, the main aim of this research was to analyse what content, objectives, competencies and resources are being worked in the initial teacher education of Early Childhood and Primary Education. For this, the teaching guides (2019-2020) of the Spanish Faculties of Education positioned in the Shanghai Ranking (2224 guides studied) were analysed. The questions to be analysed revolved around: (1) the conceptualization and dimensionality of coexistence, (2) the configuration and typologies of school conflicts, and (3) the structures of the integrated model of management of school coexistence. The main results showed a strong presence of some shaping elements of coexistence, such as understanding by other people and positive interdependence, but the presence was very restricted in terms of values of pluralism as constituent elements of coexistence. Although it is true that some types of school conflicts were founded in the initial teacher education, such as discipline problems, bullying or violence, on the contrary, the subject of vandalism, sexual harassment or plagiarism were generally non-existent. In the analysed degrees, different strategies, techniques and tools for coexistence management were found, but they were not included in an integrative model. For all these reasons, it can be concluded that initial teacher education should continue to improve in some specific directions.
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