Dialogue with the 'Manifesto for a post-critical pedagogy' from the hope as a transforming social action


The objective of this article is the analysis of the Manifesto for a Post-critical Pedagogy, published by Hodgson, Vlieghe and Zamojski in 2017. This manifesto announces five principles that drive post-critical pedagogy towards a redefinition of the frameworks of the Education and training. We present agreements and disagreements regarding these five principles based on the following belief: it is necessary to overcome the reduction of education to a path of adaptation and/or social mobility, since the ultimate purpose of post-critical pedagogy should be to deepen. The development of the pedagogical subject. The result of the research allows us to advocate for a pedagogy that, subject to reality and to what things are, becomes «a meta-in-itself», enabled to analyze and relocate possible instrumentalizations. This leads us to demand a reformulation of the social and the political as a claim and revelation of certain existing distortions but also as an intersection that brings together the challenges of pedagogy. It is concluded that, based on a hermeneutic that goes beyond the contrast between understanding and explanation, hope can give us the opportunity to get certain opportunities and some social challenges to make utopias into commitments. And we do it because we conceive hope as an attitude that generates transformations and as an articulating aspiration for human actions, not as a chimeric resource that seeks to avoid the realization of the normative professional guidelines that pertain to pedagogy.
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