Experience, memory and responsability: The school as place of meeting and donation


The following reflection assumes the school as a meeting place and experiences that leave a mark on the body and allow us to look back. Retrospective where the teacher reaffirms his role as a teacher, but at the same time, of being taught: sensitive to the helplessness and exposure of the other. The teacher transmits the world and the experience of another time, communicates both the lived and the known in his own formative journey. Furthermore, he invites the trans-formation of each life that meets him, that receives him and at the same time, he projects himself in a different way. Birth of another experience that gives openness to the new, a whole creation and formative recreation unfolded in its own name and in a singular way, which cracks us in our own existences. In this way, experience and memory are braided in a gesture of responsibility that co-arise as a disinterested place for teaching, nuanced by the offering and donation of one being that is for the other to the extent that it gives without measure. He receives him with face and name in his request, thanks to a memory that becomes the sediment where these experiences are lodged. In this sense, every teacher transcends indoctrination when he goes to meet the Other, in a care where the teaching becomes a donation or surrender to be responsible for him
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Jaramillo Ocampo, D. A., Cortes Morales, E. J., & Jaramillo Echeverri, L. G. (2020). Experience, memory and responsability: The school as place of meeting and donation. Teoría De La Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria, 32(1), 147–162. https://doi.org/10.14201/teri.21167


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