Critical Thinking in Crisis. A Pedagogical Reconsideration in Three Movements


The objective of this article is to put in crisis the dominant approach that critical thinking receives in the field of education. In particular, a series of three variations will be proposed in the way of considering the element of «crisis» within the conceptualization and practice of critical thinking. Firstly, a more real image of the human being is proposed, for whom his doubts and continuous uncertainties are permanently interwoven and mixed. Secondly, the function of the imagination is proposed to be revalued, showing how difficult is to teach it through a series of pre-established steps. Thirdly, it is suggested more value should be granted to the way in which problems are elaborated, and not focus exclusively on how we come to solve them. The article ends by proposing that the best way to develop a more authentically critical thinking is the transmission of disciplinary contents rich in ideas and inserted in a tradition subject to continuous dialogue and debate.
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Author Biographies

Paul Standish

Institute of Education. University College London
Chair of Philosophy of Education. IOE - Education, Practice & Society. UCL Institute of Education.

Bianca Thoilliez

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Profesora Ayudante Doctora. Departamento de Didáctica y Teoría de la Educación. Facultad de Formación de Profesorado y Educación. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.