A philosophical education. Foucauldian reflections on a poiethic education


One of the most urgent tasks of contemporary philosophy of education is to establish the social meaning of education in a world gradually dominated by management techniques typical of the business field. This article intends to carry out a reflection testing if education must only pursue to develop capacities or if, on the contrary, it should imply a pupil’s transformation process. In order to do that the concept of poiethic education is defined, employing as a theoretical framework Foucault’s last work, and using it as departing point to discuss ethopolitic and ethopoiethic capacity of education. From this point of view, preambles of the last educational Spanish laws are analyzed to determine which concept of education legislators tried to implement through the different reforms they carried out.
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Author Biography

Fernando Fuentes Megías

IES Joaquín Turina
Licenciado en FilosofíaDoctor en Pedagogía y Ciencias de la EducaciónJefe del Departamento de Filosofía del IES Joaquín Turina de Madrid