The development of virtue through Situated learning


The purpose of this article is to underline the educative potential of the teaching method called «Situated learning». Thanks to the introduction of Tablets and iPads into the school environment, teachers have more instruments (i.e. interactive slides, video and audio support, Internet based sources) to let knowledge, abilities and skills grow into their students’ mind: this is «Situated learning». Although the learning potential of these new learning instruments is clear, there must be the support of the students’ and teachers’ qualities and virtues (in particular the virtue of sharing knowledge), otherwise the whole potential would be nullified anyway: students with no will to learn will not learn, with or without an iPad, and the same is for a teacher with no will to teach.
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Author Biography

Emanuele Balduzzi

Instituto Universitario Salesiano de Venecia
Instituto Universitario Salesiano de Venecia, Departamento de Pedagogía, via dei Salesiani 15, Mestre (VE), Italia.