Theories and Counterhegemonic Educational Practices. About Disruptive Pedagogy


The concept of pedagogical disruption has been related for years with pedagogical innovation, the break with traditional educational models, the use of ICT and the search for educational quality; even so, this concept, from a practical sense, is poorly defined so it is still an element of study, even more so when we refer to secondary education. In this research we present and analyse 47 pedagogical practices developed in secondary schools that respond to the principles of disruptive pedagogies, both nationally and internationally. A systematic review of the literature is carried out using different databases (Scopus, Web of Science, ERIC, Jábega Catalogue, Dialnet). The results show, on the one hand, that pedagogical disruption can be used as a valuable tool to improve aspects of the quality of traditional education, especially in contexts where social transformation is required. On the other hand, it provides a set of strategies with which students feel more motivated and committed to their learning, obtaining better academic results.
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