Connection with Nature as a Key Factor in the Formation of Childhood Identities: A Systematic Review


Rapid urban and technological development has driven humans towards social and cultural dynamics marked by a nature-deficit in their habits and routines. The effects produced by the separation of the human have been analysed different perspectives in previous research, highlighting the benefits and importance of establishing a greater connection between the two. The aim of this study was to find out the impact of nature on humans’ internal attributes; specifically, values, behaviours, emotions and social skills that shape the individual identity construction, especially during childhood. For this, based on a bibliographic search in the Web of Science and Scopus databases, a Systematic Literature Review was carried out using the SALSA framework. The literature selected was limited to studies published between 2012 and 2022, after applying pre-established criteria, a total of 10 articles were selected for analysis. Most of the results showed that interaction with nature generates positive effects on the emotional, behavioural, and social development of boys and girls, offering a greater knowledge of themselves, positive bonds with their peers, a deeper connection with the environment and, ultimately, a process of personal development that generates a healthy identity construction through connection with nature. In conclusion, it is important to increase research into the impact of natural environments on the construction of identity from an early age, from pedagogical and humanist perspectives.
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