Education and The Public in Liberal Pedagogy and Critical Pedagogy


In recent decades, privatizing and individualizing understandings of education have extended due to neoliberal discourses and policies. In response to them, educational research has explored the different meanings of "the public" in relation to education that those neoliberal policies would erode. This paper aims to make a contribution to this debate by exploring the relationship between education and "the public" through a dialogue between two traditions, usually understood as incompatible, in the field of educational theory: the liberal theory of education as initiation formulated by Peters and that of Latin American critical pedagogy developed by Paulo Freire. This paper is based on a review of the central works that synthesize both approaches, tracing the marks of "the public", understood both as the educational aims oriented towards the common good as well as the shared spaces in which the common good is built. This review has allowed us to identify four points of distance-encounter between both proposals, i.e., argumentative spaces that, within the distance between their postulates, share certain common ground where the traces of "the public" crystallize. First, through their attention to the categories tradition/culture, both authors frame education in public languages shared by society. Second, we identify a parallelism in the notions of dialogue/conversation with those shared languages that both theories postulate as defining the educational process. Thirdly, both approaches understand the critique as a form of participation in those common languages that are constructed. Fourthly and finally, to build free subjects, they share the rejection of spontaneist pedagogies that understand educational freedom as a mere "letting the learner do".
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