Philosophy as a “Non Grata” Discipline for the Modern School Institution


The purpose of this article is to offer an explanation, one among others equally possible ones, that allows us to understand why Philosophy, whether as a teaching subject or as a theory of education, has often been for the modern school (16th-21st century) a kind of discipline non grata, that is, a discipline that is accepted and at the same time marginalized. As will be seen, an explanation of this ambiguity of the relationship between school and Philosophy can be found in a Foucauldian genealogical analysis of the school, that is to say, it can be found in a study of the historical conditions of the emergence and development of the school in Modernity. Specifically, attention has been paid to four major events: the Great Schism of Christianity, the birth of Capitalism and the reason of State, the irruption of Renaissance humanism and the development of the human sciences. In this way, it is shown that the school seems to be animated from its origins by interests that are for the most part contrary or alien to Philosophy, but it is also shown that, even if to a lesser extent, the school also seems to be animated from the beginning by interests that are rather favorable to Philosophy. If all of this were true, then it would be understood why Philosophy has a rather ambiguous status in its relationship with the school. From this point onwards, it may also be necessary to consider that a full integration of Philosophy in schools cannot be achieved only by claiming its merits, but that it may also be necessary to demand that school responds to interests that are more propitious to Philosophy.
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