University As Purpose. A Mission For Our Institution


This paper aims to update a finalist definition of the university taking into account its social mission. In the initial assessment, this research will consider the qualities, functions and objectives that are specific to the university and so cannot be replaced by other institutions or alternative practices in our society. Therefore, we suggest offering a functional definition for university institutions, preferably non-profit ones, that is based on their purpose. Our research will fundamentally consider data relating to the Spanish university system and will favour classical frameworks for contemporary thought to establish the institutional purpose of universities. Methodologically, we will refer to quantitative data and their sources, although this research aspires to provide a critical reflection, albeit one with an eminently practical vocation. It is, therefore, a reflection articulated from philosophy (or, more generally, from humanities) and not from the social sciences in a strict sense. The theoretical suppositions from which we will start owe a particular debt to Max Weber, Jacques Derrida and, especially, José Ortega y Gasset, although they will also dialogue with more contemporary references such as Anne Applebaum and Jonathan D. Haidt. Likewise, throughout this text, references to classical and medieval philosophy will be incorporated, which we believe can continue to claim objective validity. From these theoretical premises we will try to bring the mission of the contemporary university up to date, underlining its social and cultural implications and claiming a specific political responsibility in the promotion and custody of certain epistemic hierarchies within the framework of a plural and democratic society.
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