The Truth is Still Very Important, Also in The University


This writing tries to show some toxic elements of the socio-cultural atmosphere that negatively influence the work of the University, and that result in losing the reference of the value that the truth has for the human being. In general, relativism configures an uneducational environment, for reasons that are pointed out in the writing. Mainly because it contributes to a representation that discourages rational discussion, which is precisely one of the main tasks for which the University was founded, along the path of the Academy that Plato founded in Athens, and in whose trace some of the most relevant developments in Western culture. Unfortunately, many university students in the first world have become familiar only with a technocratic use of reason, but not with the idea that it can serve to make our way, perhaps laboriously, in the search for truth and good (theoretical use and I practice). Here we examine some approaches that in the European thought of modernity have cooperated in assembling that toxic atmosphere, as well as other elements that currently operate in the dominant collective imagination. The purpose of the paper is to point out what seems to me to be the most urgent task that the University has right now: to contribute to an authentic culture of rational dialogue.
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