Bogotá experience in government: device and educational strategies to expressions, scenarios and breaks on a proposal for citizen culture

  • Gloria Clemencia Valencia González
    Universidad de La Salle gcvg18[at]
  • Lilia Cañón Flórez
    Universidad La Salle
  • Carlos Alberto Molina Rodríguez
    Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia


The Bogotá currently known, rebuilt from the ashes of 9 April got used for decades to live labors, fear and mistrust, but particularly in exclusion. With the arrival of Antanas Mockus to Mayor broke various paradigms: he and his cabinet not came from the traditional political caste, came from the Academy and claimed other relationships with citizenship. In addition, became the city learning space because their Government project drew on the political but evidenced in the pedagogical and found its deployment in the communicative. Six priorities proposed for government experience are articulated around one: civic culture. Culture that should be disseminated, learned and implementation from train in town, then so is generate sense of belonging, would facilitate urban coexistence and would lead to the respect of the common heritage and recognition of the rights and duties of citizens. In the Mayor Mockus’s «great classroom» citizenship would of apathy to the habitancia. Far pedagogy and communication, as not nominated devices, managed to go beyond the labelling and the indication and approached the civic culture to political socialization? This reflection article links to research «higher education and training citizen, case Bogotá» and consists of five sections.
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Valencia González, G. C., Cañón Flórez, L., & Molina Rodríguez, C. A. (2012). Bogotá experience in government: device and educational strategies to expressions, scenarios and breaks on a proposal for citizen culture. Aula, 18, 123–139.


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Author Biographies

Gloria Clemencia Valencia González

Universidad de La Salle
Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Cra. 5 No. 59A - 44. Edificio Hno. Justo Ramón 5to. Piso. Tel (571) 3488000 Ext. 1508 - Telefax (571) 3477230. Sede Chapinero. Bogotá - Colombia

Lilia Cañón Flórez

Universidad La Salle
Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Cra. 5 No. 59A - 44. Edificio Hno. Justo Ramón 5to. Piso. Tel (571) 3488000 Ext. 1508 - Telefax (571) 3477230. Sede Chapinero. Bogotá - Colombia

Carlos Alberto Molina Rodríguez

Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
Universidad Tecnológica y Pedagógica de Colombia. Avenida Central del Norte. - Tunja–Boyacá–Colombia. PBX: (57) 8 7405626 Línea Gratuita 01 8000 918782.