Mathematics from teaching and mathematics teaching: fractions in primary school, second half of the 19th century

  • Wagner Rodrigues Valente
    Universidad Federal de São Paulo


This text socializes research results that have been developed within a group of researchers around collective work projects. Such projects are interested in historically analyzing changes in the professional knowledge of teachers who teach mathematics in primary school. In particular, for this article, the specific study on fractions was privileged. Cultural studies are used as a theoretical-methodological apparatus, in particular, the concept of school culture is mobilized, considering the school as a producer of knowledge within this culture. From this theoretical positioning, the differences between «mathematics from teaching» and «teaching of mathematics» are made explicit. The guiding question that leads the article can be stated as follows: How to characterize the mathematics of teaching fractions in the second half of the 19th century? The results show the organization of a mathematics from teaching of fractions that changes due to the schooling needs of the decimal metric system.
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Rodrigues Valente, W. (2021). Mathematics from teaching and mathematics teaching: fractions in primary school, second half of the 19th century. Historia De La Educación, 39(1), 31–44.


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