The Francoist purge of the teaching staff: ideological control of secondary school teachers

  • Francisco Martín Zúñiga
    Universidad de Málaga fmartinz[at]
  • Isabel Grana Gil
    Universidad de Málaga
  • Carmen Sanchidrián Blanco
    Universidad de Málaga


The main purpose of this article is to analyse purges of secondary teachers from a qualitative point of view: ideological basis, legislative control and the stages of the teaching staff purge, and that is the reason why we have divided our work into different sections. We tried the teachers to be who put us in touch with the truth from the analysis of the 2.445 files related to secondary teacher’s purge which are kept in the AGA. goals which lie behind repressive politics and the way they decided to sanction or to exonerate people. In order to contribute to a better understanding of the purging process, we make a global approach to the lists of accusations, the evidences, reports, etc. Finally, we show some quantitative data related to the sanctioned teachers and their classification according to several factors.
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Martín Zúñiga, F., Grana Gil, I., & Sanchidrián Blanco, C. (2011). The Francoist purge of the teaching staff: ideological control of secondary school teachers. Historia De La Educación, 29, 241–258. Retrieved from

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Author Biographies

Francisco Martín Zúñiga

Universidad de Málaga
Teoría e Historia de la Educación. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Campus de Teatinos – 29071 – Málaga (España)

Isabel Grana Gil

Universidad de Málaga
Teoría e Historia de la Educación. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Campus de Teatinos – 29071 – Málaga (España)

Carmen Sanchidrián Blanco

Universidad de Málaga
Teoría e Historia de la Educación. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Campus de Teatinos – 29071 – Málaga (España)