The Teaching of the Arts and the National Education Systems. Presentation

  • Juan Luis Rubio Mayoral
    Universidad de Sevilla lrubio[at]
  • Guadalupe Trigueros Gordillo
    Universidad de Sevilla


Despite the importance of artistic education in all areas of reality, they have not been the subject of a historiographical treatment from the educational sciences according to their value, social projection and scope for culture and social and humanistic training. In most cases there are valuable studies and historical research developed largely within each of their areas of knowledge. However, there is hardly any research carried out from the area of educational policy and legislation, or from the economics of education. To some extent because the relationship between their knowledge, pecuniary benefits and practical utility, are far from the economistic logic that seeks the utilitarian purpose of training in the cost-benefit relationship.
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Rubio Mayoral, J. L., & Trigueros Gordillo, G. (2022). The Teaching of the Arts and the National Education Systems. Presentation. Historia De La Educación, 41(1), 31–39.

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